EASynchro Demo Home2


Welcome to the EASynchro tool demo site!

EASynchro integrates Enterprise Architect and Confluence and allows using them seamlessly side by side. This rapidly streamlines the work of everybody who models and documents systems or processes, since the right tool is used for the job - modeling is done in Enterprise Architect, documenting in Confluence, and the process of synchronizing information between the tools is fully automated.

The goal of this site is to demonstrate how fast and easy it is to create a knowledge base in Confluence that is based on data stored in the Enterprise Architect repository.

  • Data and models in Confluence are always in sync with Enterprise Architect

  • Models are interactive

    • Readers can see the notes when they move the mouse cursor over an element or relationship

    • They can also navigate to subdiagrams or to the element documentation by clicking on it

The site can also be used for educational purposes. It shows how various aspects of the IT and business architecture can be documented.


If you are interested in the tool, please visit the following websites to get more information, or download it and try it yourself.


Now you can go through the pages on the left to find out how EASynchro can help you bring your documentation into the 21st century.